Friday, 30 August 2013

Xploring Recruiting Home Dashboard in PeopleSoft HCM 9.2

In PeopleSoft HCM Release 9.2, PeopleSoft provides a new dashboard for Recruiting. This new ‘Recruiting Home Dashboard’ provides a snapshot of the entire organization’s recruiting performance at a single view. ‘Recruiting Home Dashboard’ provides Recruiters, Recruiting managers and Hiring managers the ability to view and perform several recruitment related actions thereby simplifying the need to jump across pages and work with too many windows open to access the required information to perform one single activity.
A screenshot of recruiting Home Dashboard page is shown below:-
Recruiting Home Dashboard
Recruiting Home Dashboard

‘Recruiting Home Dashboard’ page is a collection of pagelets offering the following capabilities for Recruiters, Recruiting managers and Hiring managers:

Performance Analytics
  • ‘Time to Fill’ pagelet which provides a pictorial viewof the no. of days to fill job openings on  a given period
  • ‘Recruiting Manager Summary’ pagelet, available only for recruiting managers,which gives data on the performance of each recruiter under the recruiting manager in a grid view. Recruiting managers can see all their recruiters and the no. of open jobs, average job open days, applicants in process, applicants for each job, jobs filled in each period and percentage of offeracceptance by candidates under each recruiter.

Analyzing The Need for HR Help Desk at Your Service

Is your organization going through longer lead times for HR service requests which needs desperate attention such as:-
1. Inconsistent processes across the organization
2. Slow resolution time due to lack of centralized knowledge base
3. Manual processes and the old style spreadsheet approach for call tracking
4. No dedicated SLA and issue tracking mechanism

Are your employee’s dissatisfied with basic process flexibilities such as:-
1.Who do I contact in organization for an issue?
2. How will I track and know when my problem is resolved?
3. Is the feedback given being used for continuous improvement?

Is your HR Service delivery going through a rough patch while:-
1. Assuring right level of service with the right solution at the right time for each employee request
2. Maintaining a lower cost of operations for HR HD and Self-service and better utilization of HR resources
3. Escalation and compliance of complex and confidential matters

If your organization is facing any of these challenges, then it is the right time for you to look at Human Resource Help Desk which is the perfect answer to all of the above. Some of the key features of HR Help Desk applications are as follows:-

-Complete and accurate information of customer
-Simple Case lifecycle for smoother flow
-Comprehensive synergy by integrating Human Capital Management application
-Effective and Integrated Knowledge management solution
-Multi Channel communication platform
-Reports and Dashboard to get real time insights
-Alerts and notifications, workflow for better process
-Security@ its best

Keep watching and reading ……… we will pour some more interesting notes in the next edition.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Configuring Oracle Unified Directory (OUD) 11g as a Directory Server

I used Oracle Unified Directory (OUD) Version during my test deployment locally here. I tried to collect as much information possible in this post for configuration.
Ideally, there are three possible configuration options for OUD:
  • as a Directory Server
  • as a Replication Server
  • as a Proxy Server
Directory Server provides the main LDAP functionality in OUD. Proxy server can be used for proxying LDAP requests. And Replication Server is used for replication from one OUD to another OUD or even to another ODSEE (earlier Sun Java Directory) server. You can my previous posts on OUD here and here.
In this post, we will talk about configuring OUD after installation as a Directory Server. You can read about OUD installation in my previous post here.
Once installation is completed, you will find following files in $ORACLE_HOME Directory.
-rwxr-x---  1 oracle oracle 1152 May 17 11:16 oud-proxy-setup  -rwxr-x---  1 oracle oracle 1482 May 17 11:16 oud-proxy-setup.bat  -rwxr-x---  1 oracle oracle 1180 May 17 11:16 oud-replication-gateway-setup  -rwxr-x---  1 oracle oracle 1510 May 17 11:16 oud-replication-gateway-setup.bat  -rwxr-x---  1 oracle oracle 1141 Aug 10 16:50 oud-setup  -rwxr-x---  1 oracle oracle 1538 May 17 11:15 oud-setup.bat
In this listing, .bat files are used in windows. So, In Linux (that is what I am using), we will be using following files.
  • oud-setup – To configure Directory Server
  • oud-replication-gateway-setup – To configure Directory Replication Server
  • oud-proxy-setup – To Setup Proxy Server

Monday, 19 November 2012


Identifying and correcting availability and performance problems can be costly, time consuming and risky. IT organizations spend more time identifying an owner than resolving the problem.
HP Diagnostics helps to improve application availability and performance in pre-production and production environments. HP’s diagnostics software is used to drill down from the end user into application components and cross platform service calls to resolve the toughest problems. This includes slow services, methods, SQL, out of memory errors, threading problems and more.
How HP Diagnostics software works
During a performance test, HP Diagnostics software traces J2EE, .NET, ERP, and CRM business processes from the client side across all tiers of the infrastructure. The modules then break down eachtransactionresponse time into time spent in the various tiers and within individual components. 
•Easy to use view of how individual tiers, components, memory, and SQL statements impact
Overall performance of a business process under load conditions. During or after a load test, you can
inform the application team that the application is not scaling and provide actionable data to them.
• The ability to triage and find problems effectively with business context, which enables to focus onproblems impacting business processes

Performing Manual Correlation with Dynamic Boundaries in LR

What is Correlation: It is a Process to handle dynamic values in our Script. Here the dynamic value is replaced by a variable which we assign or capture from the server response.
Ways to do correlation: There are two ways to do this Correlation.
They are as follows:
  • Auto-Correlation: The Correlation Engine in LR Package captures the value and replaces it with another value
  • Manual Correlation: Understanding of the Script and its response is highly needed to do this. It is bit complex to do Manual Correlation sometimes but this is always the preferred method to handle Dynamic Values in our Script
Usually the Manual Correlation is done by capturing the dynamic value which is present in between the Static left and right Boundaries.
Objective: The intention of this article is that to give a method which will be useful when we wanted to capture and handle Dynamic Values when even the Left and right Boundaries are also dynamic.
The Solution can be much simple, Instead of determining the boundaries to the String we can actually use Text flags.
Before Getting into the Topic we should know about the Text Flags:
Text flags are the Flag used just after the text with Forward Slash.
Some of the commonly known and used Text flags are:
  • /IC to ignore the case
  • /BIN to specify binary data
  • /DIG to interpret the pound sign (#) as a wildcard for a single digit
  • /ALNUM<case> to interpret the caret sign (^) as a wildcard for a single US–ASCII alphanumeric character